Welcome to

A Celebration of
Doug graham's

This Page

was created in honour of Doug's memory
by his daughter, Nadja.

While I know many of us have honoured Doug in our own way, the pandemic has limited our ability to gather as a whole and collectively share in our deep affection for him. My hope in creating this site is to bring us all together to exchange stories of our experiences with Doug and perhaps take some comfort in having a place to connect in his honour.

Please feel free to add comments, connect with me through a private message and/or send me content that you would like to be shared on this site.  Thank you Lane for the lovely photo of Doug above. The image below is of Grand Lake, a place that was very special for my dad.

Lutz Haufschild - husband in law

Great picture of Doug. You can see HIM, can almost physically feel how intelligent he is, and how measured and considered his opinions will be on any points or views on any discussions he might enter into. I miss his fairness and openness to other people's views. I really mis him a lot. 

Campbell and Alison - cousins

It was during the summer of approx. 1965 that my mother came to the barn one morning, along with Doug, & announced that he was there to work on the farm for the rest of the summer holidays. It was a deal worked out between Aunt Grace, Grandma Campbell & my mother Jean. One can only speculate the reason why? Doug boarded at Mom & Grandma’s as Alison was working as a home economist for the Ontario Department of Agriculture at that time .  Doug came very inexperienced, but had a strong desire to please & an excellent work ethic. There was a lot of hard manual labour in those days with approx. 15,000 bales of hay to be stored & all the related work that went with it. Doug never backed away from hard work & what I remember most was his genuine smile. No matter how bad the situation was, he always found the lighter side. Alison & I always talk about how after a hard week’s work, we would go to the Water Street Arena & watch the Cornwall Wild Cats lacrosse team play their home games. The Wild Cats were an excellent team that went to the Canadian championships in BC that year (ironic). After the game, we would stop for ice cream. Fond memories. Thank you, Doug, for your hard work, outstanding personality that made the summer most enjoyable for us, and I hope for you. Oh yes, that smile. 

Gwen and Jim - cousins

Doug loved coming down to the farm when he was growing up and we looked forward very much to his visits. He always arrived from Ottawa with a twinkle in his eye & a big happy grin. Summer visits to Grandma Campbell’s farm were always fun. We were close in age & I remember Doug & Glen hard at work, redesigning and rebuilding the old chicken coop, time & time again. Building forts, swinging from ropes in the hay mow, swimming in the Raison River, riding on the old stone boat back to the sugar camp, & being chased by Grandma Campbell’s turkeys were always an adventure. We would love to pull carrots & eat fresh peas from Grandma Campbell’s bountiful garden. 

In the Sixties, we grew into teenagers & Doug bought a motorcycle! I vividly remember him proudly arriving at the farm in Martintown, making the Peace signal & taking me for an exciting ride. For years, our families celebrated many happy Christmas’ together at Grandma Campbell’s farm. We always enjoyed having Doug around on the farm.

Carolyn McRae - extended family

When our children were in elementary school, we went to the West Coast during summer vacation.  We got in touch with Doug when we were in Vancouver, and camped overnight in his back yard for a couple of nights.  The highlight of the visit was a scrumptious dinner that Doug and one of his friends made for us.  There’s nothing like fresh BC salmon, prepared by somebody who knows what they’re doing, and those two guys certainly did!!!